June 2, 2021



But I want to talk about self talk. Okay. I want to give you an example you asked me about my past, you know, I was born poor when I was born, actually was a little later, we lived in a mobile home, two bedroom mobile home. The bedroom, my bedroom was...

But I want to talk about self talk. Okay. I want to give you an example you asked me about my past, you know, I was born poor when I was born, actually was a little later, we lived in a mobile home, two bedroom mobile home. The bedroom, my bedroom was small enough, I could touch all four walls, you know, within an arm's distance like this. Okay. We were happy. We didn't i didn't know. We were poor. Right. So that's good, but had some wonderful parents hard working parents grandparents that that provided. But as I started getting new information, I came across a guy named Bob Proctor if you are you familiar with Bob Proctor? No, okay. He's, I'm sure he knows that guy, that being gay guy, because he the nightingale, he worked for Earl Nightingale as well. So he has a lot of YouTube videos. And I started listening to some of the stuff and it sounded, you know, kind of wacky kind of woowoo I'm like, What is this guy talking about, but the more I studied it, the more I found out about affirmations and how affirmations really work. Now, most people, Jeff have the wrong idea about affirmations. They think that is a magic spell that you know you that you say or that you chant, or whatever it is that you say this magic spell. And if you and if you meditate just right in your head, you hold your fingers, right, you cross your legs, right and you look at the right spot in the sky that you you know that you magically get this thing that you're that you're desiring that you will kind of name it claim that top thing, but it's not what a real affirmation is, is saying something, or putting something into your mind. With such such intention, such repetition, and such emotion that your subconscious, which controls the majority of what we do, you don't have to tell yourself to breathe. When you drive home from work, you're not thinking about changing lanes and looking in the rearview mirror and hitting the brakes. When somebody is in front of you, your subconscious mind is doing this. So when in order for our subconscious mind to act out what we want, we have to put that into our brain into our mind rather, through repetition, emotion, and intention. And it's a law of the universe, it is not woowoo is not a little bit of truth, it is the law, the governing law of the universe is that all the way back to reap what you sow, there's so many ways that people say it, but they don't explain how to get it. So if you want to reap what you sow, you need to be sowing that which you want. So I'm gonna give you an example that I used when I was a very challenged person that did not have the money figured out. And before we were on this show, you were talking about the fact that I have, you know, a private plane, and I have the business as you mentioned, the business is on here. But remember, I told you don't ever take advice from somebody who hasn't already done, what you're trying to do, or what you want to do. So you know, I have a whole lot of financial success now. You know, real estate, businesses, equity, cash, stocks, retirements, a lot of things, you know, worth a lot of money that I acquired by adding value to the marketplace, but by also teaching myself that I needed in that I deserve this money. So I'm gonna give you a mantra to I'm going to give you a affirmation that helped me get to where I am today in this and I still use it to this day to get to the next level because the more money I have, the more freedom I have set, okay,

Jeff Sterns 3:33
I got my pen out.

Unknown Speaker 3:35
Okay, you can just I think you're recording this, you can go back and watch it. Now remember, doing this with intention and with emotion is very important. You might look silly The first time you do it. So get into your when you're in the car by yourself. That's when I used to do it when I was driving to work. I am so happy and grateful that money comes to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continuous basis. I am so happy and great again, I'm gonna say it again because you got to do it 10,000 times if you want it to work, I am so happy and grateful that money comes to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continuous basis. I am so happy and grateful that money comes to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continuous basis. Say that self to yours. Say that to yourself. 10,000 times you can't help but be changed.

Jeff Sterns 4:28
Can I offer something here please? Wow. Okay, so you I'm resonating with you so much. You're so up my alley. Oh my god. I just love you what you said about the affirmations we have about when you drive and you don't pay attention to your turn your turn, signal and mirror etc. This is all happening at a subconscious level. I agree with you that everything that we're good at. We do on a subconscious level. We don't think about which side we start on brushing our teeth we don't think about if we inhale or exhale on our back stroke on a golf course. I mean, you know, whatever we can do well, we don't have to think about. So what a flight and you have a plane. So what a flight simulator is for professional pilots or fighter pilots. I don't Well, I mean, I guess now on anyone's computer, you could have a flight simulator. But what a flight simulator is, Billy is the same thing that you're describing. This is putting in the subconscious over and over and over and over again, a scenario that a pilot will go through, so that if that emergency situation really happens, or that scenario, heartland with a crosswind, whatever really happens, the pilot has already experienced it, although they've never experienced it.

Unknown Speaker 5:41
Yes, I have a simulator my Powells man, I have the three the three screens and I have all the different programs to give you all those things are talking about that you that you hopefully you never experience but in politics and I think the same can be true in life itself. The the the old adage that you rise to the occasion is not true, you're not going to just you know if if a I have a little bit of mixed martial arts background, so I could do well against a lot of people. But if you know some guys from the UFC showed up and said hey, you know, let's let's let's spar, I'm not going to rise to their level. What I'm going to do is I'm going to fall to the level of my most intense training so that that's what the fight the flight simulator, anything you do repetitively for a purpose. You better do it an awful lot if you want to get good at it because you're not going to rise to the occasion when you're needed when that extra intelligence and that extra off and all that's needed. You're not going to know how to fly that plane. If you haven't practiced that in a simulator or at least with a safety pilot with you. You have to to train in whatever scenario it is that you want at a life.

Jeff Sterns 6:52
Well your affirmation though, really to me is that flight simulator. This has been Jeff Sterns connected through cars

Billy W. MerrittProfile Photo

Billy W. Merritt

Billy Merritt is a sales and marketing master and the pioneer of what is now known as the Facebook Buyback Event, or more generally, the Facebook Sales Event.

Billy is the best selling author of The Art of Text Message Selling, How To Make Millions with Social Media. He also is a sales trainer, speaker, and founder of DigiNinja, the complete digital sales solution that has helped thousands of car dealers across the country and tens of thousands of salespeople dominate their markets. Billy is known as the "salesman's advocate." He mentors, coaches and trains salespeople in all 50 states and Canada.

Billy's state-of-the-art 3,000 square foot studio and call center operates 24/7. They serve more than 2,000 dealers coast to coast with:

Digital Marketing

Social Media Management

Website Chat

Remote BDC

Sales Events

Sales Training
